Africville Park Dive Site
Halifax Regional Municipality - Halifax

Certification level: Novice to advanced
Overview: located near the MacKay bridge on the Halifax side of the harbour. This is a public area with boat ramp. Ample parking is available. There is also a grassy area and playground facilities. It is recommended to park on the ramp side of the parking lot, without blocking the entrance for anyone needing to launch their boat. The entry is easy by walking down the boat ramp. Dive options include sticking more to the shallower right side of the boat ramp along the shoreline, heading out parallel to the bridge, or turning left at the bottom of the ramp. Most divers will turn left as they descend to follow the sloping wall. The area is known for its abundance in sea anenomies, sea stars, urchins and crabs. All dive options will give you a chance to discover plenty of creatures, but often the option of turning left offers the most variety. As you vary your depth along the sloping wall searching for new creatures to photograph, you can try your luck in finding the Atlantic Wolf Fish living there.
Certification level: All levels.
Important Notes: OW certified divers must watch their depth, as the depth can exceed 60ft/18m. Current and tide must be considered at the time of the dive. Current can vary from minimal to quite strong.
Image A:
Approximately 200ft along the left sloping wall sits a 5x5’ concrete slab at a depth of 60ft/18m, home to an Atlantic Wolf Fish
Image B:
About 40ft beyond the concrete slab sits a buoy with growth, on the sea floor at a depth of 62ft/18.9m
Images C, D, E:
Tires sitting on the sea floor
Emergency Information: The QEII Health Sciences Centre (Dickson building) is 12-16 minutes away depending on traffic. The chamber is located at the Dickson building of the Victoria General hospital (part of the QEII Health Sciences Centre).
Before diving, ensure your buddy team has decided on the dive plan. Entry and exit are easy with the ramp, but trip and fall risks are still present. If needed, call emergency services. In this area, it is important to be alert for boat traffic and current. As well, there can be many sea urchins along the wall slope, so maintain good buoyancy control.
As with any dive, divers should be familiar with the following situations and how to proceed:
Low on air / out of air situation: Monitor your SPG as a preventative measure. If you become low on air or out of air, ascend slowly to the surface using one of the safe techniques. Monitor for boat traffic. Surface swim close to shore back to the entry/exit point.
Buddy separation: As recommended, if this happens stay down and look for one minute. If unable to locate your buddy in one minute, ascend safely to the surface. When positively buoyant at the surface, wait a short time for your buddy to surface. If your buddy does not appear, return to the entry/exit point and contact emergency services.
Near drowning situation, suspected lung injury, or DCI: Get the injured person to shore area and have someone contact emergency assistance immediately.
Emergency Contact Information:
In case of Emergency call 911.
Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC Search and Rescue): 1-800-565-1582
DAN (Divers Alert Network): (919) 684-8111 or (919) 684-4326
Marine VHF: Channel 16
Recompression Chamber:(902) 473-7998
More pictures coming soon!!