Carters Beach Dive Site
Port Mouton, Nova Scotia

Certification Level: Novice
This dive site almost looks tropical, white sand, blue water. Carter's Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches you'll find in Nova Scotia. Don't be fooled that the water is going to be as warm as tropical waters. Great site to spend the day, diving, snorkeling and just relaxing at the beach. This site is worth exploring fully, as you may just find remains of old wrecks. Its reported that along the northern side of the point circa 1870. Near the tip of the point lies a more modern fishing vessel (engine, shaft and scattered metal debris). The base of the point on the southern side, you may be lucky to find wreckage from 1782 (Gigg wreck) and some canons, depending on sand you might be able to find an old anchor and chain. There is a fishing farm just off one of the islands.
There is lots of parking
There is no washrooms or changing areas at this time. There are convenient stores and restaurants near by.
Site Entry/Exit
After the short walk down to the water, you'll be easily able to enter the water
Points of interest/natural navigation aids:
Wreckage, lobsters and lots of marine life
Bottom Composition & Depth:
Sandy bottom with rocky ridges, 5 to 35ft/10.6m
Visibility varies based on many influences including the weather - rain runoff, wind and waves - the tides and the time of the day. Improved visibility may be experienced during slack high tide. Visibility of 30ft to 40ft/9m to 12m is not uncommon for this site.
Hazards and Safety:
Be aware there may be some boat traffic