Fish Shack Dive Site
St Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
Certification Level: Novice
There use to be a fish shack located at this site, however in 2016 the building which was in poor condition burnt down. There are still some pieces of wood/nails that can still be found in the area. There is a minor hike down the the water, this site is best dove at high tide for ease of entry into the water and exiting the water.
There is limited parking at as its on the side of the road. There is a location sign (Mill Cove) at the fish shack, making finding this site fairly easy (see picture below).
There are no rest room facilities at the site.
Site Entry/Exit
You can hike down to the water with a rock step formation just by the power pole. There two or three areas you can find easy access to the water.
Points of interest/natural navigation aids:
Sand, Lobsters
Bottom Composition & Depth:
Sandy for the most part, depth ranges 4ft/1.2m to 80ft
Visibility varies based on many influences including the weather - rain runoff, wind and waves - the tides and the time of the day. Improved visibility may be experienced during slack high tide. Visibility of 30ft to 40ft/9m to 12m is not uncommon for this site.
Just past the Mill Cove Shore Rd about 300ft you'll see a sign for Mill Cove Shore Road (on the left side of the road) this is where the fish shack is located, on route 329, St Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia