Green Cove
Popes Harbor - Tangier, Nova Scotia

Certification Level: Easy Dive
Green cove would be considered an easy dive. The Max Depth at low tide is 20 feet with very few natural hazards. Very sheltered from winds from the west and north.
It is a beach access with a slight grade. Small rocks and sand make up the composition at the entry point.
You can drive to within 50 feet of entry point. The dive site is bordered on the north side by a steep rock wall and on the south side it peters off and carries on for about 900 meters. For this map we will stop at approx. 400 feet from the north side and 400 feet out from the beach.
For the first 100 feet from the entry point heading due east the bottom is sand with small amounts of eel grass. After that the bottom becomes more silt then sand less grass.
The north side of the cove is a mix of eel grass and kelp with larger rocks and boulders.There are some large lobsters and crabs that frequent these locations. Also Salt water perch can be seen in around the rocks.
Heading south the bottom comes up more gradually with fewer boulders and is non-descript. Some other marine life that can be seen in the cove would include schools of Mackerel and Pollock in the summer lots of jellyfish and harbor porpoise and seals have been seen very close to shore chasing the schools. Other wildlife includes eagles, loons, and cormorants and gulls...early morning you may even see the odd deer.
There is no washroom facilities at dive sight but just down from it is a fellow diver and there is a porto-pottie on site (For a small fee) .
Hazards and things to be aware of:
Large off shore swell and southeast winds can bring substantial waves to the beach making entry /exit troublesome. There is no exit from the north as this is a 15 foot cliff.
Beyond the 100 foot from the entry point care should be exercised to avoid the bottom as the stirring up the silt can produce close to zero visibility in short order. During the spring Lobster season be aware that numerous lobster traps could be in the cove and lobster boats frequent the area .With that being said...The local lobster fisherman keep a close eye on the area during ALL seasons.
Emergency Plan
The area is with-in the HRM 911 system and there is a local fire department within 3 km of dive site.
If Emergency evacuation by EHS life flight is required there is a large field directly to the south of the dive sight. (Address is 70 Walsh road Tangier ) Cell phone coverage is available or there is a couple houses within 100 meters of dive sigh.t
The closest Emergency Department is in Sheet Harbour approx...20 minutes away.
For dive emergencies the nearest recompression chamber would be in Halifax Phone: 902 473-7998
Plan for conscious alert Diver:
Get everyone out of the water (establish signal before dive) and take a count
Call 911 and give location and nature of emergency (Dive accident)
Perform an initial assessment of Patient and insure A, B, C,’s (Airway, breathing and circulation)
Put on 100% rebreathe oxygen if you have.
Do a secondary assessment to evaluate other potential issues. Make Patient comfortable and out of the elements (Sun, Cold Etc.).Treat for Shock and put patient in recovery position
Try and find out what has happened ( from Diver and Buddy) and secure divers equipment,(dive computer,BC, reg. etc) KEEP DIVE COMPUTER WITH PATIENT. Pass on all Known information to EHS when they arrive and document the incident
Plan for unconscious nonresponsive Diver:
Get everyone out of the water (establish signal before dive) and take a count
Call 911 and give location and nature of emergency (Dive accident)
Perform an initial assessment of Patient and insure A,B, C,’s(Airway ,breathing and circulation)
If you have Oxygen Put on 100% rebreather if patient is breathing or if not use Bag mask,or rescue breathing
Perform CPR and rescue breathing if required (30 compression and 2 breaths) If an AED is available hook it up and follow instructions
Do a secondary assessment to evaluate other potential issues.Make Patient comfortable and out of the elements(Sun, Cold Etc.).Treat for Shock and put patient in recovery position
Important numbers
911 EHS
(902)-473-7998 Recompression chamber
1-919-684-4326 Divers alert network
VHS Channel 16 Marine emergency
1-800-565-1582 Joint rescue coordination Center Site Map by Phil Lowe

Low Tide
High Tide