Terance Bay Wharf Dive Site
Terance Bay, Nova Scotia

Certification Level: Novice
This is an easy and interesting shore dive ideal for novice divers but one that should also appeal to experienced divers. This site has some large kelp formations, large rock ledges, schools of fish during the summer and fall as well as various debris - gloves, bottles etc. discarded by the fishermen that use the wharf as their base of operations. The site is easy to navigate and all of the points of interest could be visited on a single dive. Depending on the time of the year you may find rather large nudibranchs, lobsters, cunner fish and other local types. Check out our Marine Life page for more local types of fish.
This is a working wharf, please don't park on the wharf. There is an area where the lobster traps are stored (see picture below where parking is marked (don't block access to lobster traps). Obviously, it is recommended that you drive to the wharf, drop your buddy and both sets of gear off at the site and then park your vehicle.
There are no rest room facilities at the site. There are restaurants and a convenience store close to this site.
Site Entry/Exit
There are 2 ways to enter the water and exit. You can do a giant stride off the end of the wharf or you can climb over a few boulders to enter the water. Exiting the water you can use ladders along the wharf (the one in the middle of the wharf is easier to use as there a handle at the top. You can exit the water by climbing over the large boulders as well.
Points of interest/natural navigation aids:
You'll see lots of various marine life, various directions you can explore, to the left you'll see large boulders/rocks. To the right the site is a little shallower.
Bottom Composition & Depth:
The bottom composition is mostly rocky/sand that does turn into silt
Visibility varies based on many influences including the weather - rain runoff, wind and waves - the tides and the time of the day. Improved visibility may be experienced during slack high tide. Visibility of 15ft to 40ft/4.5m to 12m is not uncommon for this site.